New Seller Guide
For Perfect Launch

On average, sellers achieving Perfect Launch generate more first-year revenue than other sellers. Our New Seller Guide helps identify critical first steps and recommended programs for your first 90 days to achieve a Perfect Launch.

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illustration of a sales chart with an arrow moving up and to the right
Illustration of a spaceship getting ready to launch

What is Perfect Launch?

Speed matters in business. For Amazon sellers, the first 90 days are especially critical for establishing marketing, fulfillment, pricing and other practices to accelerate performance beyond launch. Our New Seller Guide helps you achieve "Perfect Launch" and includes a set of logistics and promotional services to help you get set up for success in the first 90 days.

Ready to join them? The playbook is simple:
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Offer Prime shipping with FBA
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List your full selection
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Enhance your pages with A+ Content
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Create Sponsored Products ad campaigns, Coupons, and/or Deals

List your full selection

List your full selection with our Bulk Listing Tool to list multiple product listings at the same time. Certain products, brands, categories and sub-categories require approval before you can submit a listing.
Need help?
Download the step by step listing creation guide here. You can also refer to our Intro to listing products video to learn more. If you still have queries, sign up for our bi-weekly webinar here.
Fulfillment by Amazon

Offer Prime shipping with FBA

Amazon has one of the most advanced fulfillment networks in the world. With Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), we pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service. FBA can help you scale your business, reach more customers, and make your offers more attractive to Prime members.
Did you know?
By participating in FBA New Selection Program, you can qualify to get free monthly storage and free removals for all eligible, new-to-FBA parent ASINs for a limited time.3
A+ Content

Elevate your product page content

Use A+ Content to showcase your brand and product features on Amazon product detail pages. Dive into features with technical specs, comparative product info, and additional rich content including images, videos, or product set-up.
Did you know?
Access to A+ content is only available to Professional Sellers who have been approved as Brand owners through the Amazon Brand Registry process.

Show off your products

Help customers find your products by quickly creating Sponsored Product ads that appear in related search results and product pages—pay only when they click your ads. Run deals or offer vouchers to help increase conversion.

Start selling today

Don’t forget if you sign up today, there are no subscription fees to pay until December 31, 2024*.
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